Studio 1 needs you
Studio 1 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable organization — your donations are not only deeply appreciated, but our lifeblood.
Are you passionate about theatre and like what we are doing at Studio 1? Because of the nature of what we do, our ticket sales alone will not sustain our programming and facility. If you want to insure the kind of quality theatre we produce here at Studio 1, please consider partnering with us!
Your generous support goes directly to the quality productions you’ve come to expect from Studio 1 & The Sara McMillan Brown Theatre by helping fund costumes, lighting, set construction, production royalties and much more.
You can become an event sponsor, make a one-time financial contribution, make monthly contributions as a Sustaining Donor, or become a “Take Your Seat” Donor and have a seat in the theatre engraved with a permanent brass plate anyway you choose.
Enjoy great theatre-related benefits at many different donation levels
Event Sponsors
are credited in the Playbill for the show or event they sponsor. We can also credit individuals or companies in other ways, if you prefer.
One-Time Donations
are always appreciated and donors are listed in all the Playbills for the season the contribution is made.
$2,500+ Director’s Level
$1,000+ Star Level
$500+ Actor Level
$300+ Audience Level
$100+ Chorus Level
Up to $99 Gallery Level